Labels:text | screenshot | display | font | number OCR: [Field Instructions ] PROMPT PATH : Modem Base Pro reads most of it's prompts that are shown to the caller from a file where xxx is the file extension looked for depending on the callers graphics mode. Supported graphics modes and file extensions are .BBS for ANSI COLOR graphics, . RIP for Rip Graphics, . TXT for No ANSI graphics. If a .RIP or . TXT PROMPTS file can not be found, a PROMPTS. BBS file will be also looked for. If using CLOADMENUs each database may have it's own unique PROMPTS file(s), however if Modem Base Pro does not find a sub-menu or sub-database PROMPTS file then the last used PROMPTS file will be used instead. NORMALLY, this field is left blank. If left blank, PROMPTS. xxx is looked for. Example : LEFT BLANK (Normally left blank looks for PROMPTS .xxx)